Wednesday, September 25


Friendship is a beautiful thing, for those who are blessed to have good friends, have made half their existence easy. However, sometimes in life, things do not go the way we want them to and our best made plans fall short.

Friends,Sometimes the strongest among us are the ones who smile through silent pain,cry behind closed doors,and fight battles nobody knows about.
Its sad how a lot of people don't know the meaning of friendship anymore.(Including me..`~)..
I know sometimes it’s really sad when you had a great friendship with someone and then a relationship just kills it all.maybe Friendship is sometimes a game of trials and errors. I guess it was the same for us. You didn't pass the trial and guess I was the one who made an error.
I’m Sorry…I’m~Sorry…
So friend, "When you ask God for a gift be thankful if he sends not diamonds, pearls or riches but the love of real true friends."
"Fifty years from now, I'd be so old I might forget you. I might not remember ever knowing you, or might forget I once cared for you. I might.. but I won't."
Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.